Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Random Print Job Audition

I got a call from my agent the other day letting me know there was a client interested in me for a print job, but that there was one other actor they were considering. The client made this determination based on our headshots; however, they wanted to make a final decision with an updated photo. I, unfortunately, do not have a digital camera, was at work, and had a nice new zit on my forhead but I told her I would e-mail them a pic. I took out my phone, posed a couple of times (deleted several pics) and then took a shot that was faily good but still showed my hair was a mess and yes indeed, I am sporting a nice zit on the forhead (nothing a little stage make-up can't clear up).
I didn't get the job, but it was a cool experience. As actors, we love those calls where it is down to one or two people and they just need an updated photo. What we love even better is getting a call from someone who know our work, and we don't even need an audition but we are hired then and there on the spot. This has only happened to me a couple of times, and I wasn't paid for the gigs, but it is nice to know someone respects what I do.

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